أخبار ساخنة

دروس و تمارين السنة الثانية بكالوريا اللغة الانجليزية مع التصحيح


- English tenses review exercises - الاطلاع 

- English tenses review exercises WITH THE KEY - الاطلاع 

Writing:  Report - BAC2 - الاطلاع 

Grammar : Passive Voice bac 2 - الاطلاع

Grammar : Passive Voice bac 2 WITH THE KEY - الاطلاع

-  GRAMMAR: The Future Perfect lesson and exercises - الاطلاع

- EXPRESSING A WISH - BAC2 exercise - الاطلاع

- Past perfect and Past perfect continuous - Grammar 2BAC - الاطلاع

Wishes: Present and Past Wishes exercises - الاطلاع

- Cause and Unit 4 (Sustainable development)- الاطلاع

- Unit 6 (Culture) - Grammar : Phrasal Verbs - الاطلاع

- Unit 6: Cultural Values - Vocabulary - الاطلاع

- Unit 6: Cultural Values - Vocabulary - The Key  - الاطلاع

- Functions : Expressing addition and concession - BAC2 - الاطلاع

- Unit 9 (Sciences and Technology) - Grammar : Conditional and Wish - الاطلاع

- Unit 9 (Sciences and Technology) Vocabulary - الاطلاع

-Unit 10 (Brain Drain) Vocabulary الاطلاع والتحميل

- Unit 10 (Brain Drain) - Grammar : Relative pronouns - الاطلاع

- Arts English National Exams: 2022 July- ENGLISH BAC EXAM - الاطلاع

- Functions : Expressing addition and concession - BAC2 - The Key - الاطلاع

تحميل دروس وتمارين اللغة الانجليزية السنة الثانية بكالوريا

- English tenses review exercises - الاطلاع 

- English tenses review exercises WITH THE KEY - الاطلاع 

Writing:  Report - BAC2 - الاطلاع 

Grammar : Passive Voice bac 2 - الاطلاع

Grammar : Passive Voice bac 2 WITH THE KEY - الاطلاع

-  GRAMMAR: The Future Perfect lesson and exercises - الاطلاع

- EXPRESSING A WISH - BAC2 exercise - الاطلاع

- Past perfect and Past perfect continuous - Grammar 2BAC - الاطلاع

Wishes: Present and Past Wishes exercises - الاطلاع

- Cause and Unit 4 (Sustainable development)- الاطلاع

- Unit 6 (Culture) - Grammar : Phrasal Verbs - الاطلاع

- Unit 6: Cultural Values - Vocabulary - الاطلاع

- Unit 6: Cultural Values - Vocabulary - The Key  - الاطلاع

- Functions : Expressing addition and concession - BAC2 - الاطلاع

- Unit 9 (Sciences and Technology) - Grammar : Conditional and Wish - الاطلاع

- Unit 9 (Sciences and Technology) Vocabulary - الاطلاع

-Unit 10 (Brain Drain) Vocabulary الاطلاع والتحميل

- Unit 10 (Brain Drain) - Grammar : Relative pronouns - الاطلاع

- Arts English National Exams: 2022 July- ENGLISH BAC EXAM - الاطلاع

- Functions : Expressing addition and concession - BAC2 - The Key - الاطلاع
